13 June 09
This design has been posted about a month ago on DBH, but can still use some support to get it printed.
This design is made by yonil, and has the following short description: "A design all about love. The idea, the emotion, the concept, relationships and whatnot."
For me this description really adds greatness to the design.
A box of carton is probably the most used product in the world, and an object that stands miles away from love. Yet when looking at this design you get not that industrial and cold feeling you would expect.
So that's bulleyes for me.
Technical I like the grunge used and the irregularities in the design. Like the left bottom arm it tears the symetrical factor into parts (love it)
There are made some other good choices too: the colors and "not making the arms/hands realistic".
Anyway, this is a design worthy to print, so give it some love at DBH.
Make sure to check his awesome site too LINK
He has made multiple illustrations for incubus, can it be on a better time than this with the contest at dbh?